8 bjelanjaka
100 g šećera
- miksati u čvrstu pjenu
50 ml ulja
30 g gustina
100 g kokosa
Pola praška za pecivo
- u izrađen šaum spatulom pomiješati suhe sastojke - istresti na pleh 30x40 obložen pek papirom. Peći na 180* 10 min.
Poškropiti mlijekom i ohladiti.
8 žumanjaka
1 l. mlijeka
100 g gustina
50 g šećera
2 vanilin šećera
250 g maslaca
2 vr šlag kreme vanilin
- skuhati klasičnu kremu. Dio mlijeka zakuhati , ostatak pomiješati sa gustinom, žumanjcima i šećerom. Ohladiti i u ohladjeno dodati 250 g maslaca ili margarina. Takodjer dodati 2 šlag kreme direktno iz vrećice.
Podijeliti na 3 dijela. U jedan dio dodati :
100 g otopljene čokolade za kuhanje
150 g sitno sjeckanih tostiranih lješnjaka
U drugi dio:
150 g mljevene plazme
5 žl hladnog mlijeka
U treći dio:
100 g otopljene bijele čokolade
Turski keks - ili neki dr petit keks.
- kreme redati na spreman biskvit. Izmedju staviti red keksa. Dobro ohladiti kolač, po želji dekorirati šlagom, otopljenom čokoladom, krokantom…
Bogat, izdašan, dodje ga punoo, sve smo pojeli 🙈😂 - 10/10
#justkatebake #recept
8 egg whites
100 g of sugar
- mix into a firm foam
50 ml of oil
30 g starch
100 g of coconut
Half a baking powder
- use a spatula to mix the dry ingredients in the prepared dough -
spread out on a 30x40 baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Bake at 180* for 10 min.
Sprinkle with milk and cool.
8 egg yolks
1 l. milk
100 g. Starch
50 g of sugar
2 vanilla sugar
250 g of butter
2 instant vanilla cream
- cook classic cream.
Boil part of the milk, mix the rest with the mixture, egg yolks and sugar.
Cool and add 250 g of butter or margarine to the cooled mixture.
Also add 2 vanila creams directly from the bag. Divide into 3 parts
. In one part add:
100 g of melted cooking chocolate
150 g of finely chopped toasted hazelnuts
In the second part:
150 g of ground plasma biscuits
5 tablespoons of cold milk
In the third part:
100 g of melted white chocolate
+ Turkish biscuit - or some dr petit biscuit. - arrange the creams on the prepared biscuit.
Place a row of biscuits in between.
Cool the cake well, if desired, decorate with whipped cream, melted chocolate, crunchy...
Rich, generous, lots of it, we ate it all 🙈😂 - 10/10 . . #justkatebake #recipe