As always, credit to Construction Luc Inc for the job. Unfortunately, my mic got disconnected after the grader and the dual plow passed together. This won’t happen again next operation.
The dump truck blocked the Larue D65 as well as the 624K. If you want to see them fully without blocked, watch this video:
0:00 John Deere 624K-ii Dual Plow Double Pass.
1:19 John Deere Sidewalk Plow Pass
1:37 John Deere 624J Dual Plow Double Pass
2:39 John Deere 772GP Grader Pass 1/2
4:04 John Deere 772GP Grader Pass 2/2 + John Deere 624J Dual Plow Pass 1/3
6:03 John Deere 624J Dual Plow Passes 2 & 3/3.
7:09 Repainted John Deere 624K & Larue D65 Pass.