Join me for a plant tour of my entire collection of all my Hoyas! I have 15 different varieties, mostly common but a few less common ones too 🤗
My Hoya collection has been living in the same location untouched for over a year and the plants are very happy in their bright indirect light -- and I also think they really like never being moved or disturbed so I'm doing a little show and tell but leaving them all in their place on my Hoya shelf. I'm very excited to be sharing these overgrown houseplants with you!!💕
🌟Hey plant friends! What are some of your favorite Hoya varieties or species? Are they fast growers in your opinion? What's the rarest Hoya you care for in your collection (if you feel comfortable sharing)??🤩 I want to know 😋🌟
0:00 Let's talk Hoyas!
2:23 Hoya carnosa 'Tricolor'
4:05 my relationship with hoyas
5:37 Hoya carnosa 'Compacta'
6:51 thirsty Hoya australis
8:10 how to water hoyas
9:49 Hoya macrophylla/latifolia 'Variegata'
12:00 Hoya carnosa 'Rubra'
13:00 about sun stress and the red pink in some Hoyas
14:17 Hoya wayetii
15:18 Hoya shepherdii
15:56 Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle 8'
17:17 Hoya pubicalyx
18:49 Hoya kerrii leafs
19:31 Hoya linearis
21:07 Hoya obovata (with peduncle)
23:45 Update: flowers!!
24:38 What is hoya splash
25:47 Hoya latifolia leaf + reclassification
27:43 Hoya rotundiflora
29:08 Hoya retusa
31:58 Thanks for watching :)
Some topics in this video include: how to water hoyas, classic beginner hoya mistakes (mistakes I made with my first hoyas), how I got interested in hoyas, what is hoya splash, hoya macrophylla vs latifolia, what is sun stress, how to make your hoya pink, what is a peduncle, strange pricing changes
Thanks so much for watching!! Cheers to making new plant friends 😊💜
#hoyacollection #planttour
IG: @reallybigplant