i'm back to continue spreading the crystallinum love this holiday season! if you didn't have a chance to watch part 1, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/cNosNKONPdU
in this short video (for once) i go through the rest of my crystallinum + crystallinum hybrids collection- i wish i did this video when they were looking a little better, but honestly "nice" looking anthuriums are actually an anomaly in this house so i guess it's now or never 😆
oh! and i have a crystallinum shirt in my merch shop if you wanna take the crystallinum fan club one step further 🤪
→ https://unplantparenthood-shop.fourthwall.com/en-cad/collections/bwcollection
→ amanda (bunny): instagram.com/_bunnyyy_____/
→ alice: @youdontevengrowhere
→ thehomebodhi: @thehomebodhi on IG
→ plant baybe: plant.baybe on IG and palmstreet
→ the plant lady sf: @theplantladysf on IG
→ breeding anthurium: https://youtu.be/kDg-0ORB1ug
→ breeding anthurium (alice): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaxmLn3DNDU
☻ instagram ☻
☻ shop all my plant favourites (affiliate links) ☻
plant merch!
→ enjoy a 7-day free trial of epidemic sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/tfiru1