I graduated from a Spanish university last year with my degree in International Studies so this is your chance to pick my brain and get all your answers on how you can do it too!
Find your Spanish course through YNSITU and get 10% off
Homologación: https://mpt.gob.es/portal/delegaciones_gobierno/delegaciones/madrid/servicios/educacion/homologaci-n-de-estudios-extranjeros-no-universitarios.html
TRADUCTORES/AS - INTÉRPRETES JURADOS/AS: https://www.exteriores.gob.es/es/ServiciosAlCiudadano/Documents/TraductoresEinterpretes/LISTA_TRADUCTORES_INTERPRETES_JURADOS.pdf
UNED ASISS: https://unedasiss.uned.es/home&idioma=en
UC3M Early Admission: https://www.uc3m.es/bachelor-degree/admission/application/international-students/early-admission
Music from Youtube Library:
Three Wise People - E's Jammy
Waltz for You - Reed Mathis
The Gentlemen - DivKid
Staycation - Corbyn Kites
Soft Feeling - Cheel
Lazy Walk - Chill
Finding Light - Dan Lebowitz