The list :
00:00 Armed TyrannoRanger
TyrannoRanger's strengthened form granted when Geki is given the Dragon Armor by Burai. He was first lent the Armor when the brothers went to retrieve the Thunder Slingers from King Brachion, with TyrannoRanger gaining the Armor's shield as DragonRanger retained his armbands while dual-wielding the Zyusouken and Ryugekiken.
0:32 Oedo HurricaneRed
Obtained through the use of the Oedo Shinobi Medal on the Hurricane Gyro, obtained with Moeru and Oboro's Time Slip technology. This form symbolizes the union of the ninja schools in the Great Edo Period.
1:48 Chou AbareMax
Formed throught encouraged of humankind and every other Abaranger who gives their energies at him. Unlike AbareMax, this form features the red Tyranno Abare Suit with additional golden armor for the chest and shoulders, as well as an upgraded helmet.
3:31 Premiere DekaRed
A exclusive and upgraded version of DekaRed SWAT Mode. He uses a "D Magnum", which is Premiere Dekared exclusive weapon.
4:31 Hyper Shinken Red
The form Shinken Red assumed when he used the Kyoryumaru power, A ancient God beast Origami who first used by the very first Shinken Red. taking this form, Kyoryumaru's power can be released to the fullest by Shinken Red.
5:08 Gokai Red Galleon Armor
A special extension of Cross Armor Mode, granting Gokai Red the other Gokaigers' Cross Armor weapons alongside his own powers. In addition, the power of Gold Mode, which is being revamped, has been also added. The coloring is reminiscent of GokaiOh.
5:31 ToQ 1 Gou The Rainbow
Assumed when the rest of the ToQgers give their powers to ToQ 1gou, allowing him to use the powers and imagination of the entire team simultaneosly.
6:37 AkaNinger Chozetsu
Accessed through the Chozetsu Shuriken and Chozetsu Shoubu Changer with Shishi-Oh's blessing, allowing him to fight with the power of Transcendental Fire Lion, OtomoNin.
7:25 Zyuoh Red Great Instinct Awakened
Formed throught combines Zyuoh Eagle 3 forms into one ultimate form with the power of Earth itself. With it, he has the wings and flight capability of Zyuoh Eagle, superhuman strength of Zyuoh Gorilla, and ability to dive into the ground of Zyuoh Whale.
8:05 Shishi Red Orion
Titled as the Miracle Star, is Lucky's Super Ranger form, using the Saiko Kyutama with his Seiza Blaster to initiate a Super Seiza Change. In this form, Lucky can open portals in spacetime which he deploys in a variety of uses such as redirection of enemy attacks, attacking enemies from remote locations, and securing items beyond his physical reach.
8:57 Patren Ugou
A fusion form created by the trio of Patrangers combining their powers through the use of the GoodStriker.
9:13 Lupin Tricolor
A fusion form created by the trio of Lupinrangers combining their powers through the use of the Jackpot Striker.
9:58 Max Ryusoul Red
Accessed through the use of the Max Ryusoul Changer after inserting the Max Ryusoul in it. It enables him to maximize & combine the powers of RyuSouls & KyoRyuSouls. Upon freeing Koh from Uden's belt buckle, fatally impaling himself in the process, Nada's spirit and the Gaisoulg Armor manifested as the Max Ryusoul Changer and Max RyuSoul, allowing Ryusoul Red to gain this form.
11:02 Super Zenkaizer
Zenkaizer can use the ZenKaijuu Gear to transform into Super Zenkaizer. In this form Zenkaizer gains bulky armor reminiscent of Dragon Caesar, increasing his strength and durability, along with being granted the drill-like Zenkai Tenlance to fight.
12:16 Kyoryu Red Carnival
Born when Daigo changed Gabutyra with the Carnival Zyudenchi to change him into the Gabutyra De Carnival/Minityra. His strength and energy levels has gone through the roof. The Gabutyra design on his chest can come alive and bite down on anything when Kyoryu Red wills it to, and it can extend itself for a few feet to chomp on a hapless and most likely taken-back foe.
13:03 GolDon Momotaro
Accessed using the Omikoshi Phoenix atop the DonBlaster. In this form, Momotaro can also trap enemies in a peach-shaped crystal bubble, which he creates by focusing power into the emblem on his helmet's crown.
13:51 King Kuwagata Ohger
Accessed by equipping the OhgerCrown onto his head. His entire body is covered in gold, like a "king who rules the world." Equipped with a golden King Writer's Mantle on both shoulders, he can protect himself brilliantly by deflecting enemy rays and shots.
14:38 Bun Red 119
Bun Red's upgraded form, accessed using the Zoonzoom Shokablaster. It allows him to utilize the "Hose Impact" where he can shoot a stream of water from the twin nozzle attachments on his shoulder to nullify fire-based attacks.
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