Original Name : NicoNico UTAU Ranking Medley
If you are a fan of the Utaus, you must watch this =)
I do not own this video! All rights belong to myrmecoleon. I just want to re-upload it to let more people know about the Utaus.
nicovideo ver.: http://nico.ms/sm19571435
Some Vocaloid fans still don't know about the Utaus. But thank Teto is half Vocaloid half Utaloid XD
All stars of Utauloids
Actually there are more, here is only showing you the top 60.
The top 9 are famous and you all may know :
9.Kasane Ted ( 重音テッド)
8.Sukone Tei ( 健音テイ)
7.Nagone Mako (和音マコ)
6.Yokune Ruko (欲音ルコ)
5.Sekka Yufu (雪歌ユフ)
4.Momone Momo (桃音モモ)
3.Namine Ritsu (波音リツ)
2.Defoko, Utane Uta (唄音ウタ, デフォ子)
1.Kasane Teto (重音テト)
And there are Amane Luna (No.12) , Shion Yowa & Defo Imouto (No.25) too
All Utau Characters