This one is a unique mechanical car that I've ever made. Which some of you might notice, is that the main shaft is connected using actual chains. This is an experiment to replace the tri-motor connector which slows down vehicle a lot. However, we might also FINALLY found a fix for tri-motor connector, which is using a ball joint with 0 max angle.
Ball joints allow for better flexibility, thus increasing the top rpm limit of the vehicle itself, allowing you to use it anywhere without worrying that your vehicle slows down. So yea, this car got 2 different kinds of connector which is a chain and a joint.
This chain IDEA is ORIGINATED FROM MY FRIEND, not me myself. My friend "@piz1c0" from roblox first attempted to make an actual chain that works with 0 slip, allowing him to be able to use it on an engine timing camshaft which requires insane precision. After that, I tried to remake the chain design in my workshop ps, but then my friend "@Mattisawesome98" or you may call him crazem joined my private server. He then attempts to make the chain but in a smaller design, at the end, both piz and crazem's chains works beautifully. Shoutout to @piz1c0 and @BoringContentCreator for the design and ideas of chains.
My eyes are extremely satisfied seeing those spinny chains lol, you have any suggestion/need any help? feel free to ask in the comments, chances of your comments to be replied by Evan is VERY high!
- Vladik Kamael :
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