If you want to reverse Type 2 Diabetes / Diabetes Mellitus, this is the bread recipe for you!
This bread is simply delicious, filling, and easy to make. Try it and enjoy without spiking your blood sugar levels.
Almond Flour
Olive Oil
Baking Powder
Vanilla Extract
Add flaxseeds or any kind of seeds if prefered.
#diabetes #highbloodsugar #highbloodpressure #cholesterol #A1C #HBA1C #diabetesmellitus #healthylifestyle #bloodsugar #reducebellyfat #lowcarb #0caloriefoods #lowcarbfoods #0carbohydratefoods #zerocarb #zerocalorie #highcholesterol #reversetype2diabetes #type2diabetes #diabetesandweightloss #reversinginsulinresistance #highbloodsugar #improvinginsulinsensitivity
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