Michael Redmond 9p, hosted by the AGA E-Journal's Chris Garlock, finishes reviewing the second half of the very exciting 10th game of the amazing AlphaGo vs. AlphaGo selfplay games. Click here for the sgf file: http://www.usgo.org/news/2017/10/alphago-alphago-game-10-part-2-an-unexpected-trade-and-a-10-group-battle/
Part 2 of the Game 10 commentary begins at move 113. “At this point, the game looked ready for a peaceful endgame, with White in the lead,” says Michael Redmond 9p in his commentary. “By move 121, however, White has given away about 20 points, an unexpected trade that transforms the game radically. Back in a wildly dangerous middle game, complications that arise from a fight in the center will put ten groups in danger.”
The Game 10 videos are produced by Michael Wanek and Andrew Jackson. The sgf files were created by Redmond, with editing and transcription by Garlock and Myron Souris.