Toyotas are thought of as being one of the most reliable car brands out there. That does NOT mean that their engines can't fail. Today we tear down the engine from a 2018 Toyota Camry. This is the A25A-FKS Dynamic Force engine found in 18-22 Camrys, some Rav4, and other Toyota/lexus products across the globe. The failed at 116K Miles and while I did not get any "why" details with this engine, we find out exactly why this engine was condemned and replaced.
Special Thanks to @TheCarWifeLife for the Cameo! I can't believe she always agrees to this.
Why am I doing this? My name is Eric and I own Importapart, a full service auto dismantling business. Part of our model includes buying and dismantling blown, failed, and core engines to salvage the good parts for resale. We do not rebuild or repair engines, merely supply parts to those who do.
To buy parts and check out our complete parts cars, visit or email us at [email protected].
Use code "I Do Cars" to save 10% off of anything on our website that you can add to your cart.
00:00 Intro
02:20 Removing Spark plugs and inspecting condition
03:18 EGR Valve & Cooler unbolting and DISCOVERY!
04:07 Looking at the intake ports and valves, Dual Injection HELPS!
05:32 Peeling off the valve cover shows good maintenance!
07:40 Removing the timing cover and inspecting timing chain & guides
16:43 Cylinder Head Bolt Cracking and Head removal. UH OH!
20:58 Best Oil Filter Removal Technique
21:27 What's it look like under the oil pan? #MochaFRAPPE
24:20 Upper Oil Pan Removal
25:30 Full Rotating Assembly Disassembly Including Rods, Pistons, Crank
27:39 Inspecting All bearings, Rings, pistons and internal engine parts
29:32 Summary
As always I hope you enjoyed this video. I love all of the comments, feedback and even the criticism. Catch you on the next one!