Altis Sigma MX 16" Rear Tire Unboxing, Go Over Settings, Tips & Tricks, POV, Altis Sigma Bluetooth Connect! E-Moto 70MPH Bike
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Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro Altis Sigma MX
00:04 Ordered a Altis From Hyper Rides USA
00:21 About Me&Why I Picked The Altis Sigma
01:03 Why Is My Altis Sigma Cutting Out?
01:26 Why I Traded Gas For an Electric DirtBike
02:10 Altiis Sigma MX Open Box
04:28 Altis Sigma Charger
05:58 How To Pull The Battery From The Altis Sigma
10:13 Installing The Battery On The Altis Sigma
10:28 Starting The Altis Sigma Electric Dirt Bike
11:12 Altis Sigma MX Settings on Display
12:37 Altis Sigma Connecting To The App
13:58 Updating The Altis Sigma
15:06 Altis Sigma Controles
15:26 What The Altis Comes With
15:49 Loosing The Wires On The Altis Sigma (Gen 1)
16:28 Steer Lock Altis
16:48 Altis Sigma Lights & Park Functions
17:51 Altis Sigma NFC Card Not Working Fix
19:04 App Not Done Yet
19:41 My Impression In Person
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