ENG) 24시간 출동 대기, 쪽잠과 싸우는 구급대원의 밤 [모두가 잠든 밤]
출동벨에 자동 반응, 119 구급대의 밤
영상에서 사용된 무료 음원 - https://bit.ly/2Ud48wX
ES_Sundance - Ennio Mano
ES_Tablespoons - Martin Landstrom
ES_Small Talk and Lemonade - The Fly Guy Five
ES_Odd Coincidence - Kikoru
ES_Rangers of the Night (Instrumental Version) - Particle House
ES_Strolling Sloth - Arc De Soleil
ES_Sneaking Around the Mansion - John Abbot
ES_You're the Cure - Kikoru
ES_Infinity (Dye O Remix) (Instrumental Version) - Bluma Petersen
ES_The Fig Tree - Jakob Ahlbom.mp3
ES_Absolute Power - Hampus Naeselius
ES_Oh What A Whirl - Jules Gaia
ES_Car Chase - Hampus Naeselius
ES_Simon Says (Instrumental Version) - Nbhd Nick
ES_A Monsters Feeling - Hampus Naeselius
ES_Falling Through Space - Of Water
ES_Highway Chase - Hampus Naeselius
ES_At Stake - Raymond Grouse
ES_The Trick (Instrumental Version) - Sleepaway Camp
ES_Tiny Footprints - Raymond Grouse
ES_Close Quarters - Hampus Naeselius
ES_Heroica - Eoin Mantell
ES_In It for the Sugar Rush - Raymond Grouse
ES_Ether - Jakob Ahlbom
ES_Cocktail Hour - The Fly Guy Five
ES_Hero in Time - Jo Wandrini
ES_Licorice - Ealot
ES_The Messenger - Fabien Tell
내 스트리밍 사이트에서 듣기- http://link.epidemicsound.com/s0k9wDI
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☞ 공식 페이스북 : https://goo.gl/mZzThG
☞ 공식 인스타그램 : @videovillage_official
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☞ 주소 : 서울특별시 강남구 영동대로 325 에스타워 13층 비디오빌리지