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【主がそばにいるから】ㅣ【주가 내 곁에 계시니까 👣 Always with Me】 Japanese Ver.

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🎧 音源(日本) - iTunes 音源(韓国) - 멜론 💽 CD(日本) & SongBook - BASE CD(韓国) & SongBook - Naver ❤️ Instagram : ---------- 🎼 主がそばにいるから(주가 내 곁에 계시니까 - Always with me) - 竹中 真知子(다케나까 마치꼬) 1. 主は 御手を のばして 涙を ぬぐい つまずきから ひきあげて くださる いのちの地へ みちびく (x 2) ハレルヤ 主を愛して 歌は絶えず 感謝ささげ 苦しい時さえ 賛美をする 主が そばに いるから 2. 主は 御手を のばして 涙を ぬぐい つまずきから ひきあげて くださる いのちの地へ みちびく ハレルヤ 主を愛して 歌は絶えず 感謝ささげ 苦しい時さえ 賛美をする 主が そばに いるから (x 2) ------------------ Interlude ------------------ ハレルヤ ~ 感謝ささげ 苦しい時さえ 賛美をする 主が そばに いるから ハレルヤ 主を愛して 歌は絶えず 感謝ささげ 苦しい時さえ 賛美をする 主が そばに いるから 主が そばに いるから 主が そばに いるから (x 3) ---------- Always with me (주가 내 곁에 계시니까) - Machiko Takenaka (다케나까 마치꼬) Lord, you have delivered my soul from death, 부드런 주의 사랑의 손 내 눈물 닦으시네 my eyes from tears, my feed from stumbling 깊은 수렁에서 나를 붙들어 건지시고 so I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living 영원한 생명 길로 이끄시네 Hallelujah I love you so much, God 할렐루야 주를 더욱 사랑 will never cease to praise, worship you, give glory 내 평생 살 동안 주만 찬양하리 even when I have a trouble, I will never stumble for 고난이 찾아올 때에도 난 감사하리 You are always with me, my God 주가 내 곁에 계시니까 ---------- 🎹 Credit - Produced by David Heung Woon Park - Words and Music by Machiko Takenaka - Arranged and Programmed by Kee Wook Kim(Zigzag Note) - Drums : Kyu Hyung Lee - Bass : Kee Wook Kim - Guitar(Electrinic, Acustic) : Hyung Kyu Kim - Piano/Synthesizer : Kee Wook Kim - Sung by Bo Ra Jin - Mixed by Kyung Seok Hyun - Mastered by Jeong Hoe Do ---------- 📢 SNS - - - - 🚩 Website - ---------- 🎷 Jworship(ジェーワーシップ)は、韓国に初めて紹介される日本生まれのワーシップで、日本宣教の為にPHWMが作った'日本の敬拝と賛美'のアルバムです。 - Jworship is 'the Japanese Praise and Worship' Album that has been first introduced to Korea and produced by PHWM for the purpose of Japanese mission. - Jworship(제이워십)은 한국에 처음 소개되는 日本워십으로, 일본선교를 위해 "PHWM"이 제작해 보급 중인 '일본의 경배와 찬양' 앨범입니다. 🎸 PHWM(Praise Honor Worship Ministry)は、日本の賛美を韓国へまた韓国の賛美を日本に紹介し普及する働きを基盤とし、両国の和解と連合を目的として設立された賛美専門の宣教団体です。 - PHWM(Praise Honor Worship Ministry) is the missionary organization established for the reconciliation and unity of each other through the vehicle of 'praise' created in two countries. Its primary ministry is to introduce 'Original Korean Praise' to Japan as well as 'Original Japanese Praise' to Korea and propagate them. - PHWM(Praise Honor Worship Ministry)은 일본찬양을 한국에 한국찬양을 일본에 소개하고 보급하는 사역을 통해 양국의 화해와 연합을 이루기 위해 설립된 찬양전문 선교단체입니다. #Jworship2 #주님께드리는일본의경배와찬양 #主イエスに捧げる日本の敬拝と賛美
