치즈반 떡반! 모짜렐라 치즈떡볶이 & 치즈 떡볼 대량생산 /식품 공장 - Cheese Tteokbokki Mass Production Food Factory
👦 This is a cheese tteokbokki factory in Korea.
It is made with rice grown directly in the surrounding farms.
Cheese Tteokbokki has a large amount of cheese, with 56% non-glutinous rice + 43% mozzarella natural cheese.
Cheese tteokbokki balls are also soft and chewy.
💲 Price
💶 USD -
Cheese Tteokbokki + Cheese Tteokbokki Ball + Dumplings + Sauce: 6 USD
🏠 (Google Map) https://goo.gl/maps/YUfz4mBcNmkqbjhU9