Amazing Quest: Iceland, Norway and More | Somewhere on Earth: Best Of | Free Documentary
Amazing Quest - The Untamed States of America:
00:00:00 Iceland
Iceland, on the confines of the Arctic Circle, is a fascinating island where an original, hardy breed of men and women live out their purest aspirations. A touching authenticity beats in the hearts of its inhabitants. They know that Nature here is uncompromising, so they have no other choice but to remain humble and to live thanks to what it can offer. Like this island, where the forces of the Earth are visible everywhere, the Icelanders feel free and independent.
00:51:25 Norway
Somewhere on Earth invites you to the Far North, to the Kingdom of Norway. First, we will meet Heidi Sevestre. She’s a glaciologist and lives year round in the Svalbard Islands, in the Arctic Circle. Then we meet Aleksander Lyngberg. Lapland is an ideal terrain for him to live out his passions: fishing and snowkiting. Finally, we meet Terje Isungset. This musician and composer draws his inspiration from the elements of Nature. He is blazing new trails in music and doing the impossible: he makes ice music.
01:42:11 Scotland
Scotland, with its rugged highlands and misty lochs, is a land where an indomitable spirit thrives among its people. A deep-rooted authenticity pulses through the veins of its inhabitants. They understand that Nature here is both majestic and relentless, compelling them to embrace humility and rely on the bounties it provides. Much like their dramatic landscape, where ancient traditions and natural beauty are ever-present, the Scots embody a sense of freedom and independence that is as enduring as the land itself.
02:32:40 Brittany
Sometimes the ocean needs to blow off steam. Off the point of Brittany in western France, the sea flexes its muscles with a harsh beauty. Fascinated by this impressive display, one could almost forget the danger. Storms are spellbinding; a wild fantasy for land dwellers; a tragic menace for sailors. The fishermen of the tumultuous of Raz de Sein are both humble and brave in their pursuit of their noble prey. Others, intrepid storm hunters, track the bad weather and huge waves as they push themselves to their limit in their never-ending search for the absolute.
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