Welcome to Schony747 trains on Wednesday featuring a V/Line Passenger steam hauled locomotive passenger train - The first since the late 1990s.
The government owned V/Line passenger is the country passenger train operator here in Victoria. V/Line provides train and bus services across Victoria. In a first since the late 1990s V/Line operated a steam hauled train towing V/Line H Set passenger cars. Due to passenger limits in the current climate, the train ended up running empty. Why run an empty train? The purpose of the Steam Train was to get more current V/Line driver qualified to drive steam. Steamrail Victoria's R761 Steam Engine hauled the train and can be seen at various locations and being turned on the Ballarat East Turntable.
Oh and at the end look out for the 9 car V/Line Vlocity Test Train at Melton.
Everyone loves a steam train. I know you will enjoy this. Have a great week - Brenden S.
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Filmed July 31st 2021 Rowsley, Melton, Ballan, Ballarat, Ballarat East
Filmed in 4K
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