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🧑🏼🦰Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/jocondesbaking
🏫Online class: https://coloso.co.kr/products/patissier_joconde?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=patissier_joconde_referrals_210527
💌Email: [email protected]
♥︎무슬린 크림
달걀 노른자 1개
설탕 35g
박력분 9g
우유 90g
바닐라익스트랙 4g
버터 65g
♥︎ 밤크림
보늬밤 페이스트 190
무슬린 크림 전량
♥︎밤크림 짜기
밤크림 190g
♥︎ 밤 생크림
밤크림 180g
퓌핑한 생크림 90g (+ 설탕9g)
♥︎ 초코시트
달걀 노른자 4g
설탕 25g
우유 50g
식물성오일 35g
바닐라 익스트랙 4g
박력분 60g
코코아가루 18g
달걀흰자 4개
설탕 75g
♥︎초코 나뭇잎 튀일 ( 튀일 만드는법: https://youtu.be/CfmVqSEs7rQ 0:27 부터)
박력분 10
코코아파우더 5
슈가파우더 15
녹인버터 15
달걀흰자 15
반죽을 모두 섞은 후 160도로 예열한 오븐에서 3분간 굽는다.
♥︎사용한 제품
밤페이스트 https://link.coupang.com/a/EbOsl
보늬밤 https://link.coupang.com/a/EbOEK
보늬밤만 구입 하여 푸드프로세서에 갈아서 페이스트를 만들어 사용해도 됩니다.
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : 가을밤 - https://youtu.be/8-P-ZVBLCNI
Hello, I'm Joconde.
This cake is filled with chestnut cream made in a different way than other normal mont blanc cake.
You must see this video to make it.
You'll see this life recipe.
If you are a beginner, it would be good to make this chestnut cream properly and use it as a shortcake.
I will tell you the recipe while imagining your taste and surprise.
thank you.
♥︎Mousseline Cream
1 egg yolk
35 g sugar
9g cake flour
90g milk
4g vanilla extract
65g butter
♥︎ chestnut cream
190g chestnut Paste
whole amount of muslin cream
♥︎For Piping the chestnut cream
190g chestnut cream
♥︎ Chestnut cream
180g chestnut cream
90g whipped cream (+ 9g sugar)
♥︎ Chocolate sheet
4 g egg yolks
25 g sugar
50 g milk
35g vegetable oil
4g vanilla extract
60g cake flour
18g cocoa powder
4 egg whites
75 g sugar
♥︎Chocolate leaf tuil (How to make tuil: https://youtu.be/CfmVqSEs7rQ from 0:27)
10g cake flour
5g cocoa Powder
15g icing sugar
15g melted butter
15g egg whites
After mixing all the ingredient, bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 3 minutes.
♥︎Used products
Chestnut Paste https://link.coupang.com/a/EbOsl
Canned chestnut (or use Marong glace) https://link.coupang.com/a/EbOEK
You can purchase only Canned chestnut and blend it in a food processor to make a paste.
🎵Music provided by President BGM
🎵Track : Autumn Night - https://youtu.be/8-P-ZVBLCNI