琥珀合桃 Amber Walnut ~ delicious caramel walnuts ~ candied walnut ~ 簡單方法去除苦澀味 ~ 低糖免炸健康版 ~
材料 ingredients :
合桃 walnut 400g
有機椰子糖 organic coconut sugar 60g
麥芽糖 maltose 2 tbsp
有機有白芝麻 organic white sesame 2 tbsp
粗鹽 coarse salt 2 tbsp
預熱焗爐150 c度,出水後入焗爐, 焗15分鐘 烘乾水份
煮好糖漿加入半焗的合桃攪拌均勻,再放入焗爐150 c度焗20-25分鐘
blanch water twice with salt water to remove the bitterness
Preheat the oven to 150 ℃ put the walnut in the oven, and bake for 15 minutes to dry moisture
After cooking the syrup, add half-baked walnuts and mix well, then bake in the oven at 150 c for 20-25 minutes
According to the actual situation of your home oven and adjust the temperature and time.
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00:00 Introduction
00:25 food preparation
02:48 cooking and baking
05:09 tasting
#琥珀合桃 #琥珀核桃 #合桃 #港飲港食 #amberwalnut #candiedwalnut #snack #walnut #crunchywalnut #ASMR