Airdate: October 7, 1967
“Never My Love”, the 2nd most played song on radio and TV in the 20th Century (“You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’” was #1), is still new and peaking on the charts today as it hits #2 on Billboard and will hit #1 on Cashbox next week. (I miss the 20th Century)
Dancing today are: Don Sanuskar & Deedra Higgins (3:38), Famous Hooks & Jenny Nichols not pulling on Famous’ shirt (3:45), Dave Cortez & Alesse Pazno (4:09), Leonard Smith (4:38), Rob Molinelli & Nancy Hendrick (4:41), Forest Hutchins & Robin Miller (5:11) and on the riser are Andy Hyatt & Kathy McInerny (on the right at 3:11) and Keith Hokanson & Linda Hight (on the left at 3:27).
Has anyone ever heard of the song “Ballad of You, Me & Pooneil” by The Jefferson Airplane? That’s definitely a new one for me.
Next Saturday: the November 16, 1963 full episode with guests Brian Hyland and Bobby Bare.
Happy Veteran’s Day especially to all of our great veterans!