(sorry for the clickbait, but the boss was actually super nice! I tried to pay for the drinks, but he wouldn't let me!)
You guys are awesome! We got over 10k likes, so here’s the rest of our mother-son day. We went to a Chinese restaurant, and I took my mom to a Chinese supermarket for the first time ever (The Great Wall Supermarket in Rockville, Maryland). We surprised a lot more people there in Chinese, and, as always, I love seeing the smiles on people’s faces when you speak to them in their native languages. Super happy, but they’re also super shocked to see a white guy speaking Chinese.
At the Chinese supermarket, we bought some durian as well! If you don’t know what durian is, it’s one of the stinkiest fruits on the planet, so smelly that it’s actually banned from public transport in many Southeast Asian countries where it’s popular. Finally, we went to one of my favorite Sichuan restaurants in the Washington, D.C. area. Kevin is an absolute boss btw!
As per your votes, I’m going to go try some acupuncture, and if this video gets 20k likes, I’ll go get a facial in Chinatown (I’ve been told I really need one 😂). Hope you guys enjoy, and thanks again for all the nice comments! My mom enjoyed reading them, too!
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