Time stamps :
00:00 Introduction
00:30 Why this issue has become so big?
01:00 Santana Dharma's culture of debates
02:26 Today's situation with taking difference of opinion
03:19 Jainism and Sanatana Dharma relationship
04:08 Relationship between different spiritual leaders
05:02 Role and effect of debate in vedic culture and how it is different from other religions.
07:27 Relationship between politicians
09:01 Social media influencers' attitude towards any new issue
09:58 How Amogh Lila Prabhu solved the misunderstandings with Ramabhadracarya Ji Maharaja
10:52 Debatable issues have always been there inside our institution also
11:15 What is philosophy.
11:30 Discrimination of philosophical knowledge in Bhagavad Gita
12:15 Knowledge in the mode of ignorance
13:20 Amogh Lila Pabhuji's controversy
15:30 Preaching by Amogh Lila Prabhuji
16:08 The sacrifice of Amogh Lila Prabhuji towards the society
18:30 Ramakrishna Mission amazing work in the society
19:25 Mature reaction of all the parties involved in the controversy
21:10 Conclusion