Fun & Interesting

Among us in WildCraft! | Who is the Killer?/Impostor? | WC Mini Game - 2 Rounds

Sarah Panda 221,235 lượt xem 4 years ago
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Thanks to(Instagr.): "darkgirl_the_angelyt" "edafi2094", "Harald_Baumwolf", "Crown_tundra_ent_youtube", "howlifeshowshowaliveyouare", "exuskai_thatskyefox" for participating!
Rules[All set by Sarah Panda/Annabeth_the_fox]: (Sadly we only got to play as 6 Players, not as 7, as I initially intended)

7 Players (Babies)
1 Spectator
1 Impostor *Being selected by the spectator per luck* (Dice/cards)
Overall: 8 Players are in the server, Wildplains.
Camera: Only Free.

All cubs stand in one row in front of the portal. The Spectator stands beside the portal and stays there for the rest of the game. The spectator writes "Start" and the players may start the tasks.
There are 6 stations:
1 - Left forest after portal. Run around 10 trees.
2 - Big field. Do 5 actions.
3 - Enter the den and out again.
4- Drink 7 times, left beach.
5 - Middle field, only jump and reach the forest (seperating the 2 sides in wildplains)
6 - Middle tree, take 10 pics.

Each player has to do every task once. Since we play as cubs, the game is only played on one half of the map. Otherwise it would be too large. You can start with any task you like. Each player has a piece of paper in real life, in order to remember which tasks were done. Because people could cheat, it is not about achieving as many tasks as possible but its on time. Each round lasts 20 minutes. The timer is set by the spectator, and stopped whenever a body is reported, respectively started after the voting. After 20 minutes, the spectator has to stop the game by writing "Stop" in the Chat.
The Emergency button is nowhere, simply write "Emergency" into the Chat. YOU CAN ONLY DO THAT ONCE. So use it wisely.

What is the task of the impostor?
The impostor, since it is not possible to kill in wildplains, has to ask for a duel, the other player. The player HAS TO DECLINE, but is then required to "lie down", representing the dead body. The player Must, under every circumstances do that, if not the player will be exculded from the game. The Impostor has to kill at least 1. 1 Kill after 20 min = Bronze. 2 kills = Silver. 3 = Gold (Half of all players, 6)

What to do when I am killed?
Once you were attacked, you are required to lie down immediately. You are prohibited from moving at all. It is essential that you do, cause if you don't, no one will find your body.

How to report a dead body?
When you see a dead body, write "Report" in the chat. The game is ultimately paused and the spectator is required to pause the time.
Discussion is open, and everyone is allowed to write. (Small letters only!) If you decided for whom to vote, or to skip, you have to write that in capital letters: "SKIP" or "NAME". The spectator is required to count.
If after 15 minutes the impostor has not been found, and has at least killed 1, the impostor wins.

#amongus #among #impostor
