SPOILER WARNING: Contains footage from all recent Lost Light/Unicron/Optimus Prime issues before Lost Light #25
AMV created for the end-of-the-universe event of the IDW Lost Light, Optimus Prime and Unicron series. Found this song and wanted nothing more than to see an amv exist to it. It's the end of the world after all.
Original song: Can't go to hell - Sin Shake Sin (Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2ct_Gkq-HQ)
Nightcore version by: Gyuuki Nightcore @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c8tPJ740xA (Please give them a thumbs-up/sub if you dig the song, ok?)
- Fanwork - Please support the IDW transformers comics! They are worth it.
- Speech text deliberately removed for practical and aesthetic reasons. Read the comics if you want to get the stories =)