Anime : Overlord (season 1-3) - Madhouse
Writer(light novel) : Kugane Maruyama
Song : Undead - Hollywood Undead
Hope you enjoy, support the original artists, I am but a humble fan.
And as usual, please consider this line as my fair use notice you little legislative bully.
N.B. : If you're tired of human stupidity, please take a few seconds to go like this page on facebook.
I understand many might wanna stay away from such platform but sadly our policies are largely made from their popularity in the public opinion, therefore if we want humans who can think by and for themselves, we need to show them how and allow people to practice. I know most of the information on the page is in french but if you're looking for english literature, the idea of philosophy "for" children was largely put forth by Matthew Lipman. I and the rest of humanity will thank you.