The first part of Kaizo Remix is here!! The next parts will be made eventually, but now, here it is bois!!! ENJOY!
Original Song by MarStarBro, Uptaunt and Punkett
Kaizo Mix and FANMADE Encore Mix by the Purple H1tl3r No1 Fan (you know who)
Inspiration from Kaizo DX by Scratch, Kaizo Fix by Soup and Encore X2
Xenophanes Chromatic by MarStarBro
Sonic, Knuckles, Eggman, Metal Sonic, Shadow and Rouge Chromatic scales by AmenKing
Sonic voicelines by Me with AI
Metal Sonic voicelines by Nutra
Tails Chromatic by Raiguyyy (taken from VS. Tails.EXE)
Amy and Chaos Chromatic scales by LukaSpatula
Maria Robotnik Chromatic scale by CosmicWondered
Big The Cat Chromatic scale by KS25
Majin Sonic Chromatic scale by SILV3R and voicelines by It's_Ney
Majin Sonic Samples Soundfont by SuperStamps
Spy Chromatic scale by GhostedBLEACH
Some of the art by NoVillains
NO FLP or Inst and Voices until the final release!