Once again, I attended the large annual train show at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, MA (more well-known as the Big E).
Before the show (opens at 9 AM), I began trackside at West Springfield on the CSX B&A Line. At first it was just myself, but as hours progressed more people started to show up, including Tom (Tcostello105), Mike Y. (6000csx), Mike A. (Mike77), Mike A. (AliceInChains243), Josh (CSXYN4, briefly), Pat (conrail4129), Eric S, Alex S., Ryan F. and a few others. Train action was pretty common. First up was loaded autorack train Q264 heading east then followed by Q019 departing West Springfield Yard after making a pickup and headed west. Most of the people at the crossing missed these two trains. After an hour, mixed freight Q425 slowing departed West Springfield Yard and headed west, but was told to hold at CP109 for hot intermodal Q022 coming east for about 20 minutes. Many of us at the crossing headed for the show while the remaining waited for this intermodal. Then it was off to the show. Also, Q012 was running very late and it had not left Selkirk yet by the time we left the crossing.
This time I have a shorter video during the show mainly because during last year's train show, I covered more in detail of every layout out there and many of those came this year. There were a lot of NS & UP heritage unit models present during this year's train show. Also I ran into many friends during the show.
Link to the YouTube video to last year's train show is here:
After the show, it was the huge dinner gathering at the Steaming Tender Restaurant in Palmer, MA. The Big E train show period is one of the busiest business drivers for the restaurant year after year, therefore reservation is strongly recommended. Almost 20 of us including myself who were present at the show came for dinner. While waiting for our table (Mike A., AliceinChains243, made the reservation for 7:45 PM but we got in about 8:15), two CSX westbounds passed by. First up was mixed freight Q423 followed by hotshot intermodal L017 (it will make a pickup at West Springfield). New England Central also had some activity but I didn't went out to see if, too cold and snowing.
Also included in the video are some shots while we were waiting for the train and our table and during dinner at the Steaming Tender Restaurant.
The next day, with nothing to do, I headed over to Palmer. Many friends showed up for the train action including Sky (skyman2002), Phil V, Mike A. (Mike77), Mike A. (AliceinChains243), Ryan F., Alex S, and a few others. Train action wasn't bad. First up was the westbound Lakeshore Limited (P449) solely with Amtrak engine #145 Phase III heritage unit. Then both Vermonters (Southbound P057 and Northbound P054) made their direction change maneuver. In the mix was also CSX intermodal Q012, running late again.
All in all, it was an awesome Big E weekend!
Note: I'm really really NOT GOOD w/ train symbols. I try to get as many as I can through my scanner or asking other railfans around me (if any).**