Ron Fritz discusses his family’s journey to create meaningful coming of age events for their three children and shows how you can create a similar rite of passage for a child in your life – whether it’s a son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild or friend. These important rites of passage help young teens understand what it means to become an adult by teaching life skills and reinforcing character traits and values. Our children need guidance through this difficult and confusing transition and Fritz describes how bringing a community together to mark this coming of age moment can make a positive impact in a young person’s life.
Across the broad sweep of human history and in every corner of the globe, cultures have recognized the importance of “coming of age” rituals to help their children navigate the challenging transition from childhood to adulthood. In the United States, coming of age traditions are less common. Ron Fritz, father of three and CEO of an international technology company, believes in creating that meaningful rite of passage celebration to clarify for young people what it means to become an adult. Through his own family’s story, he hopes to inspire the resurgence of such traditions and maybe just spark a movement.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at