We Thank, @GovindKrsnaDas H.G GOVIND KRISHNA PRABHU #GKD For giving us your valuable time amidst leaving for a Flight.. The INTERVIEW was totally unexpected and the questions were also spontaneous to which prabhuji's answers were even more AMAZING! We wish our #GKD A Very Prosperous KRISHNA CONCIOUS LIFE AHEAD and request prabhuji to always shower his Mercy on inspiring many to begin Their SPIRITUAL JOURNEY.... !!! HARE KRISHNA !!! 🌸 Our Recently released music video 🎧🎵 Gopi - Geet : Experience Pure Transcendental Bliss/- https://youtu.be/_l0AXL6pZms?si=eGc4P0DinAUa2iNO ☉ L I K E : C O M M E N T : S H A R E : S U B S C R I B E - O N || K R I S H N A D H A R M A || https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpeB5AAzOBbWtdQiUTYgI_w #gkd #krishna #iskcon #bhagavadgita #iskconjuhu #iskconvrindavan #iskconmayapur #myashraya #hindu #dharma