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An UNDERAPPRECIATED Trappist Beer: DUBBEL | Effects of a PROTEIN REST | KEG vs BOTTLE Conditioning

TheApartmentBrewer 20,127 4 years ago
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Belgian Dubbel is an incredible beer style that always gets overshadowed by its cousin, the Quad. In this video I brew a really delicious Dubbel, experiment with a protein rest step, and revisit bottle conditioning! I took my time with this brew and it was well worth the wait. ------------------------------------------------------- DARK CANDI SYRUP I USED: ------------------------------------------------------- CLAWHAMMER SUPPLY SYSTEM: ------------------------------------------------------- MERCH STORE: ------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: ------------------------------------------------------- FIND ALL MY RECOMMENDED HOMEBREWING EQUIPMENT ON MY AMAZON STORE: ------------------------------------------------------- NORTHERN BREWER: ------------------------------------------------------- MOREBEER: ------------------------------------------------------- MY CAMERA: MY MICROPHONE: ------------------------------------------------------- Recipe on Brewfather: Recipe for 5 gallons, your efficiency may vary: "Ne Perds Pas La Tête" 8.4% ABV 22 IBU 11.5 lb Dingemans Belgian Pilsner Malt (80.7%) 1 lb Weyermann Wheat Malt (7%) 0.5 lb Dingemans Special B (3.5%) 0.5 lb Dingemans Aromatic Malt (3.5%) 0.75 lb D-180 Dark Candi Syrup (5.3%) - Add to the wort after lauter and before boil Step Mash: -Protein rest at 131 F (55 C) for 10 min -Beta Amylase Rest at 145 F (63 C) for 30 min -Alpha Amylase Rest at 158 F (70 C) for 45 min -Mashout at 170 F (76 C) for 15 min Water (ppm): Ca: 68, Mg: 6, Na: 9, SO4: 81, Cl: 79, HCO3: 23 Add 3g Gypsum, 2g Epsom, 5g CaCl, and 1g Baking Soda to 8 gal (30 L) of distilled water. Adjust mash pH to 5.2-5.5 as needed. 90 minute boil 60 min - Add 2 oz (56g) Styrian Goldings (3.5% AA) 15 min - Add 0.5 oz (14g) Styrian Goldings OG: 1.071 Yeast: Wyeast 1214 Abbey Ale Ferment at 65 F (18C) for 2-3 days, then increase fermentation temperature by 1 degree per day until about 72-75 F (22-24 C). After about 14 days, package and condition until matured. FG: 1.008 ------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Intro and Welcome 0:53 Style Description and Approach 5:45 Recipe 12:24 Mash 13:48 Boil and Yeast Pitch 15:03 Fermentation Plan 17:47 Fermentation Follow-Up 19:40 Pour and Tasting Notes 25:03 Potential Improvements ------------------------------------------------------- Full disclosure, most of the links on this page are affiliate links. This means if you buy through them I make a small percentage from the sale at no additional cost to you. All money earned through the channel goes back into the videos and brews you see on my channel. As always, don't just take my word for it, do your research before you decide to buy. ------------------------------------------------------- Music provided by Epidemic Sound: #belgian #trappist #dubbel #beer #brewing #homebrew #clawhammersupply #graintoglass #BIAB #allgrain
