❤️ Welcome to this channel! ❤️
Please, read the description below. 👇
Okay, I'm alive. And because I wanted to do an unhelpful guide this past comeback with "DDD" but I couldn't do it because of college work, I decided to make it my first video of the year, since it's quite special.
It's really, really long, partly as an apology for not uploading a video for so long and partly because I wanted to make a good (un)helpful guide.
I hope you like it, it took me a lot of days to edit it! ^^
Also, I'm planning to make a contest. Since the 1st of January was the first anniversary of this channel (yupi!) I think it would be great if I choose a LEGGO from all of you to be the creator of the intro and the outro of this new season.
I've already made an intro by myself (which I won't be using,) and I even chose the audio, all you would have to do is to edit an intro and outro with the five seconds of audio that I will be sending to you if you decide to participate. The winner will have her/his creation in the next videos of my channel, what do you think? Since it's only five seconds of audio, I think it will be easy for you to make a quick video.
These would be the instructions:
1 - You need to use the audio that I will be sending to you once you send me an email confirming your participation. It's the same audio for the intro and outro. Also, "I Love EXID" logo has to appear, so I will send you a png. version of the new logo to add it in the video.
2 - You can do the intro, the outro or both. So there's a possibility of two winners, if I like the intro of a person and the outro of another.
3 - You can use individual shots of the members, but I want to reflect OT5 in the intro and outro. Solji is in hiatus, but she is still part of the group. Take her into account.
4 - The videos and pictures used have to be of good quality, and you have to try not to show the logos of shows or channels, just like I do. If you don't know how to make them blurred, you can still send me your edit. I might be able to do something, but it's not a promise.
5 - The content you can use is from 2015 to now, content that is older than 2015 isn't permitted.
And that would be all! If you want to participate, just write an email to this direction: exidareeverything@gmail.com. I would have done it in the comments section, but I don't want to collapse it with this type of comments. Once I have received your email, I will be sending you as soon as possible the file with the audio.
The period will start from today until the 14th of January (including the 14th of January,) so you have an entire week! The winner/s will be mention in each description of the videos of the 3rd season as the creator/s of the intro and outro in the case they want to.
I don't know how many of you will participate, but it would be great to see the creativity of this fandom, because I know there's a lot of it. Just have fun!
Songs used:
EXID - I Feel Good (Instrumental.)
Verbal Jint x Sanchez (Phantom) ft. LE (EXID) - Gwi Arae.
EXID - Better Together.
Credits to EXID Storage, heochoppe, LEGGO Ent. and Research on Hyerin for some of the subtitles. Also, I have to give credit to a lot of K-LEGGO and LEGGO from other countries for the fancams and pictures that I used, there's a lot of them, A LOT, so I have lost the count, but here are some LEGGO:
- 희지TV.
- Follow JongHeart.
- Cheer On LE.
- Scream For EXID.
- Twintweet.
- Lovelin.
- Brand New Day.
- JohaHani.
- Bluelin.
Sorry for those who I didn't say! Credit for all of you, thanks for doing such an amazing job and for supporting EXID! :)
And that would be all for now! Until the next time, although I don't really know when that will be because I have to focus on college. Wish me luck!