When Manon's mother secretly discovers her daughter's unwanted pregnancy, she suddenly organizes her birthday party on the very day of the abortion date.
Despite all the secrets and manipulation games she undergoes, Manon will try her best to keep her mum happy.
BTS : https://youtu.be/CWlVEV41I2A
With :
Julie Cléry
Lily Nambininsoa
Hélène Babu
Thibault de Montalembert
Elisa Sergent
Bénédicte Vrignault
Fabrice Herbaut
Marie Devaud
Voices :
Constance Chaperon
Guillaume Desjardins
Screenplay : Julie Cléry & Guillaume Desjardins
Direction : Guillaume Desjardins
Original music : Edouard Joguet
Assistant director : Alexandre Mottart
Régisseur général : Matéo Colzi
DOP : Romain Plumat
Camera operator : Guillaume Desjardins
Cheffe electricienne : Manon Testud
Sound operator : Lucas Goix
Perchman : Nicolas Leroy
Make up : Anaëlle Trogno, Asma Nafati, Livia Delacroix, Elena Radović, Kelly Silva Simoes
Monteur : Guillaume Desjardins
Assistante monteuse : Julie Cléry
Mixage : Lucas Goix
Etalonnage : Adrien Picq
Productions : Synchrone Medias, SONMI-451, Drop the mic, FENRIR PRODUCTIONS, Boillot
Moyens techniques : Atelier 7, Drop the mic, Cinesyl
BTS : Thomas Andrzeczyk