🎓 Learn modern GIS with my new courses! ➡️ https://moderngis.xyz ⬅️
🎉 My modern GIS community is open - Spatial Lab ➡️ https://www.spatialstack.ai/ ⬅️
📖 My Spatial SQL book is out now! ➡️ http://spatial-sql.com/ ⬅️
DuckDB is an incredibly powerful analytical database that can run right on your computer and allows you to analyze LOTS of data. Plus it is very easy to install and it now has support for GIS and geospatial analysis. This coding tutorial will walk you through the setup and different use cases for DuckDB for GIS
0:00 Intro
2:55 Setting up
5:52 Installing spatial and H3 extensions
10:27 Reading geospatial data
18:17 Native DuckDB geometries speed test
24:34 Using H3 and DuckDB in Python
27:42 Resources and wrap-up
Download the data in the tutorials here:
➡️ NYC 311 Data: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Social-Services/311-Service-Requests-from-2010-to-Present/erm2-nwe9
➡️ NYC Neighborhoods Data: https://github.com/HodgesWardElliott/custom-nyc-neighborhoods
🔌 DuckDB spatial Extension: https://github.com/duckdblabs/duckdb_spatial
🔌 DuckDB H3 Extension: https://github.com/isaacbrodsky/h3-duckdb
Guides and resources from the video:
🌎 Geospatial DuckDB from Mark Litwintschik: https://tech.marksblogg.com/duckdb-geospatial-gis.html
☠️ Big Data is Dead: https://motherduck.com/blog/big-data-is-dead/
🐤 DuckDB for Beginners from @motherduckdb : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX5FdqzGT1E
✅ Check out my Notion Productivity Template here: https://mbforr.gumroad.com/l/notion-productivity
📚 FREE CARTO Account for Students: https://docs.carto.com/faqs/categories/carto-for-education/
Check out some other posts and resources here:
Learn Spatial SQL: https://forrest.nyc/learn-spatial-sql/
40+ Resources for Spatial SQL: https://forrest.nyc/40-spatial-sql-resources-and-guides/
75+ Geospatial Python and Spatial Data Science Resources and Guides: https://forrest.nyc/75-geospatial-python-and-spatial-data-science-resources-and-guides/
Other courses to get started with GIS, spatial data science, and data science (affiliate links):
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization from UC Davis: https://imp.i384100.net/n1Kyxo
Spatial Data Science and Applications from Yonsei University: https://imp.i384100.net/9W6E6W
Python for Everybody from University of Michigan: https://imp.i384100.net/BX3P31
Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications: https://imp.i384100.net/Xxe4Ay
Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate: https://imp.i384100.net/oeKO9b
IBM Data Science Professional Certificate: https://imp.i384100.net/n1KyK6
#gis #python #sql
➕ Follow me on LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/mbforr/
🎙️Check out the Modern GIS episode on the MapScaping Podcast: https://mapscaping.com/podcast/what-is-modern-gis/
🌐 My personal website: https://forrest.nyc
🚀 My top links and resources: https://forrest.nyc/links-and-guides-for-modern-gis/