►► The Free guide mentioned in the video has been UPDATED. It is now entitled "The 7 Steps to a KILLER Indie Song." Click below to get it for free: https://www.theindiemusiclab.com/7stepsindiesong
What is it about Olivia Rodrigo that we like so much? Is it her vulnerable lyrics, her simple melodies, her pop/rock productions, or maybe the tone and quality of her voice?
In any case, Rodrigo has taken the world by storm in 2021 and today I'm gonna try my best to analyze and explain, from a musical perspective, why this 18 year old became the world's newest and brightest superstar.
00:00 Chapter 1: An Intro To Olivia Rodrigo
04:43 Chapter 2: Lyrics
09:48 Chapter 3: Melodies
13:35 Chapter 4: Production
35:20 Chapter 5: Vocals
#oliviarodrigo #musicproduction #songwriting