Andaman and Nicobar complete information in Telugu. Here we provide a complete tour of Andaman in Telugu, which means how to reach Andaman, Andaman Accommodation and Food, Andaman places to visit, Budget for Andaman trip, etc.
Best of India in 365 days Episode 128 - Andaman and Nicobar
#bestofindiain365days #nandasjourney #andaman #portblair #havelockisland #neilisland #telugutraveller #telugutravelvlog
Ferry bookings:
Makruzz -
Nautika -
Green Ocean 2 -
Andaman jail light show -
Andaman trip Budget - Rs.18000 per person
(without flight ticket and water activities)
Flight ticket cost - Check in
Food charges - Rs.600 - Rs.800 per person per day
Accommodation in Andaman for 6 days
Portblair 3 days - Rs.1500 - Rs.2500 per day
Havelock 2 days - Rs.2000 - Rs.5000 per day
Neil island 1 day - Rs.1600 - RS.3500 per day
Ferry booking for 3 routes - Rs.4000 - Rs.5000 per person
Water Activites:
Scuba Diving - Rs.4500
Sea walking - Rs.3500
Snorkelling - Rs.1200
Parasailing - Rs.3000 (Present offer in Havelock Rs.1800)
Bike rentals per day - Rs.600
Neil island local cab - Rs.2000
Havelock island cab - Rs.2400
Port Blair local Auto - Rs.2000
Ross & North bay island boat - Rs.870
Elephanta beach boat - Rs.1000
Other expenses - Rs.3000 per person