Fun & Interesting

Andrija Jurašin - ČUDA SVEMIRA

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#cosmos #universe #sarenaplaneta #andrijajurasin SUBSCRIBE ako vam se svidela epizoda :) 📖 Knjiga "E NEĆU, ZA INAT!" nastala tokom snimanja putopisa Šta biste prvo rekli vanzemaljcu da ga sretnete? Šta bi on rekao vama? Da li vremeplov postoji? Da ljudska rasa nestane, da li bi se pojavila nova inteligentna vrsta na Zemlji? (ako su ljudi uopšte inteligentni :) Šta će biti sa našom planetom? Pitanja za "širu sliku" jer...ono si koja pitanja postavljaš. Putopis ŠARENA PLANETA - Živimo na planeti punoj tajni na kojoj se u svakom momentu odigrava milion čudesa. Ako ste radoznali da upoznate ljude za koje verujete da postoje samo u romanima, otkrijete divlju nenašminkanu prirodu, fascinantni svet životinja, pronađete remek dela kakvih nema u galerijama...onda nema druge nego da se krene na uzbudljiv put! Autor serijala: Andrija Jurašin Instagram: Web: FB: 👉 KLIKNI 🔔 za obaveštenje o NOVIM EPIZODAMA! 👌 Zabranjeno korišćenje video i audio snimaka bez pismene dozvole autora. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE to The Colorful Planet: What would you first tell an alien? What would he tell you? Does a time machine exist? If the human race disappeared, would a new intelligent species appear on Earth? (if people are intelligent at all :) What will happen to our planet? Questions for the "bigger picture" because ... questions you ask shows who you truly are. Travelogue THE COLORFUL PLANET – We live on a planet filled with secrets, where millions of wonders happen every second. If you are curious to meet people that you thought existed only in novels, discover wild nature, the fascinating world of animals, find masterpieces that can’t be seen in galleries… there is no other choice but to go on an exciting trip! Author and presenter: Andrija Jurašin Instagram: Web: FB: 👉 TURN ON 🔔 notification for NEW EPISODES! 👌 Any use of video and audio material without the written consent of the creator is strictly forbidden. #earth #space #alien #aliens #universe #outerspace #timemachine
