Fun & Interesting

ANGRY, The 241" 7.5 Year Old BOW BUCK

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One in a million. The chances we have another deer like this on our place. My brother connected early Bow Season. I passed this deer last year as a 6.5 year old 165" deer as I tagged a mature buck a couple weeks earlier. NEVER would have guessed he'd make this jump - nor have I heard of a deer making a jump like that. Do have some theories why but he sure is one in a million to us. is the place to LEARN, DISCUSS & be amongst passionate hunters that want to chase mature deer. Mature deer ANYWHERE is rare & difficult. This deer could have been shot by neighbors, poachers, a car, etc. Just amazing how it worked out. We started hunting with weeks that went by without seeing a buck. Public over crowded permission ground. Took the first 1.5 year old we saw back then. Long journey to getting to a situation where we can grow mature bucks. It's very difficult but can be done. Iowa's REGULATIONS are a huge advantage there!!!! (no guns during the rut!!!!). Where ever you are in your hunting journey, learning never ends.... Best wishes to you all & someday we all will get a crack at the buck we've dreamt about.... Score aside, it's amazing when it happens to anyone. Congrats to my brother & feel free to join to learn & discuss more on mature whitetails, habitat, hunting tactics, you name it!!!! It's non-promotional (which is rare in this world) & doesn't exist to make $. It's there to help hunters & our landscape across the country. Best wishes & get going on making 2022 a memorable one! ****Yes, I understand we live in the world of a few Debby-Downers or Negative-Nancy's.... NO, it's not high fence. Yes, he easily could have been shot by someone else. Getting shot on cam on a deer this big probably had both of them freaked out & shaking a bit. No, I have nothing remotely close to this big on my farm & probably never ever will again. If you live in a state with horrible regulations (Michigan for example) - deer like this will be killed at 1 or 2 years old. No, we don't outfit. Yes, I farm for a living & work my tail off 99% of the year. YES, WE ARE HAPPY FOR YOU IF YOU SHOOT A GIANT! :)
