An exciting new feature is coming to Angular: signals! Starting in Angular v16, Angular developers can leverage the power of signals to create more reactive applications. Signals provide a new way for our code to inform our templates (and other code) that our data has changed, offering more granular control over how and when updates are propagated and improving change detection.
So, what are signals? Why would you want to use a signal? How do you create, read and change a signal? And how do you define a computed signal? Watch this video for details and a demo of these cool new features!
My completed Stackblitz:
00:00 Introduction to Angular Signals
00:51 Why use signals?
03:58 What are signals?
06:16 How to create signals?
06:34 Where to use signals?
06:54 Creating a signal
09:10 Reading a signal
09:14 Setting a signal
11:18 Signal methods: set, update, mutate (NOTE: mutate is no longer an option, use update)
12:06 Defining a computed signal
13:14 Using an effect for side effects
14:36 Signals and templates
15:15 Current state of signals
15:36 Suggestions for how to use signals
16:00 Demo
* There is a typo on the slide at time code 2:12. The exPrice = price * quantity calculation should be exPrice = this.price * qty.
* As of Angular v17, .mutate is no longer an option. Use .update instead.
😊About Me
Hey! I'm Deborah Kurata
I'm a software developer and YouTube content creator. I speak at conferences such as VS Live and ng-conf. I write articles for freeCodeCamp. And I'm a Pluralsight author with courses in the top 10 most popular (out of 10,000+) over the past 5 years. For my work in support of software developers, I've been recognized with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award, and I'm a Google Developer Expert (GDE).
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