Anichi Perez: Love for Music, Dance Discovery, Learning and Teaching
📖 Chapters
1:07 Impression of Florida, USA
2:10 Upbringing, Love for Music, Dance Discovery
4:42 Introverted Art vs Extroverted Art
5:37 The Ear Does not Forgive
7:37 How many musical instruments do you play?
9:36 The Most Important Musicality Knowledge for Beginners
10:25 Using Apps to Learn Salsa Musicality
12:05 What is the Significance of Clave?
14:22 Patience to Teach Musicality
16:38 Mykel Fonts Energy
17:17 Problem with Salsa Scene
18:20 Learning Musicality Fundamentals
20:05 Tips for Improving Your Salsa Dancing
21:58 Mistakes that Salsa Dancers Make
22:29 Anticipate and Connect with Every Sound
25:16 What is Next for Salsa World?
26:40 Are You Concerned About Salsa Music Dying Out?
29:12 Why People Don't Know New Salsa Music?
31:14 Cuban Artists Recommendation
32:56 Closing Remarks