What actually happens in Annihilation? How does the Shimmer work? Is Lena replaced by an alien double? How is the movie different to the book?
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Created with Adobe After Effects and a Shure SM7B microphone.
Lighthouse / tunnel artwork by maddyasma: https://www.redbubble.com/people/maddyasma/works/29660485-topographical-anomaly
Cell image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Simple_diagram_of_animal_cell_(en).svg
Images and video from Annihilation used here under fair use.
Special thanks to Patrons Reverend Xandria, Cameron Weiss, @Vineyarddawg, Michael Appell, Jason Rattray, Ryan Steele, Eric Louis-Dreyfus, Thee Stevie Franchise, Alex Kirkendall, Triangle Wine Company, Harry, Fred Petty, LightCraft Miniature Studios, Matthew Elisha Williams, Jake Burling, Chris Amolsch, Chris Cole, Cregg Riley, Bobby Eales, Hank Lero, Zach Gordon, DscoDan, Jesse Deal, DylanGeekozoid, Dervis Yeniavci, I think a Faceless Man ran up and said 'Valar Morghulus' before running off?.