Hello dearies. Welcome (back) to the Craft Kitchen and a Happy New Year.
Now that December bustle is over, it's time to focus on what really matters: being creative.
😲😁 Just kidding! I hope you've all had a wonderful time with your loved ones and could squeeze in some crafting time now and then.
In todays video I'm showing you some of the not that spectacular projects I had the time to make in December and of course a mixed media idea I will use to finish my Winter Wonder Journal; finally.
Thanks for watching and supporting my channel. I appreciate all of you a lot. You are the ones helping me to finally do, what I've always wanted to do: Creating art and sharing my knowledge.
Stay creative and be excellent to each other.
Gelli Printing without a Gelli Plate: https://youtu.be/hTB2jpAVd_o?si=m4FU4UGtXvLexUxB
Intro: my wonderful son
You can find all my freebies here:
my Etsy Shop:
Videos of projects of other Creators mentioned in this video:
@inkandpagejournals https://youtu.be/ZdcEekUo_A0?si=9kIsOjYwnf2oJa0u
@inkandpagejournals https://youtu.be/NkU12COq_Zk?si=INTjMBXlyH05N4no
@polkaartstudio https://youtu.be/jxF5hKhI7Y4?si=2Fl8wl5RqmObAX7t
@BohemianCrafting https://youtu.be/soZ1Z0KQyQY?si=wlqWnGxsHm_oHg3y
00:00 Intro
01:11 December Recap
16:28 Winter Wonder Journal; a reminder
18:06 Materials for the experiments
24:44 Let's get it started!
28:42 Comparison