Hello everyone! I'm excited to share a new shopping tour vlog with you: I had a wonderful time exploring a French American vintage boutique called FrenChic. I had been to a vintage market last year and discovered this charming company through their stand. It was my very last stop at the market and I had promised myself to go back again and find their flagship store. I also squeezed in a visit back to Salvage Sisters to my favorite home goods booth which is a mix of the best of grandma's treasures and second hand modern that makes anyone's home have the cheerful charm of the past. Thanks for going shopping with me!
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My previous Franklin, IN vlogs 💛
vintage market summer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-lCJ_MgW_A
vintage market autumn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gbhYxhv0CM
Indiana festivals: https://www.festivalcountryindiana.com/frenchic
This vlog contains:
FrenChic: https://www.facebook.com/FrenchandChic?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Salvage Sisters: https://salvagesistersantiquemarket.com/