Long Beach Antique Marketに独りで行ってきました。
This was my first trip alone to the Long Beach Antique Market. Since I am not a good driver (let's say that I am very careful driver), my family didn't want me to drive there alone. Therefore I always had to beg my family to come along.
When I realized that "My friends have no trouble driving, why can't I drive alone and go anywhere I want?" I started to practice driving on a highways to get used to it.
In the past, I had no trouble driving on a freeways. In California, there are lots of heavy traffics and people just cut in to my perfect distance from the car in front of me!! (Without any signals!!)
Well, anyway. My next goal is going to the Rose Bowl Flea by myself. Driving in LA area is my biggest fear. Until then, I will keep practicing and drive safe.
#antique #antiquemarket #蚤の市