"Like Someone in Love" single 3/9 of my solo album "Everything Moves"
I’m releasing one new video every Friday until the full album is available on April 11th. Each video is completely different, played on different guitars, filmed in unique locations, with distinct lighting and atmospheres to match the mood of each piece.
Stream the single → https://lnk.dmsmusic.co/antoineboyer_likesomeoneinlove
Pre-save the album → https://lnk.dmsmusic.co/antoineboyer_everythingmoves
Music by Jimmy Van Heusen
Arrangement by Antoine Boyer
Video by Hubert Caldaguès → https://www.instagram.com/hubert_caldagues/?locale=us&hl=am-et
Guitar by Ryosuke Kobayashi → https://www.instagram.com/ryosukekobayashiguitars?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
Strings by Knobloch Strings → https://www.knoblochstrings.com
Mixing by Antoine Boyer
Mastering by Marci Fenyvesi → https://www.instagram.com/fm.mastering/?locale=fr&hl=en
Co-Production by Gabrielle Fourcade-Jaubert →
Distribution by Downtown → https://downtownartistandlabelservices.com
Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/antoineboyermusic
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/antoineboyermusic
Website → http://www.antoineboyermusic.com