Apache Series Marathon | BRUTAL Fights with the Comanche, Mexico, United States, and MORE!
The Apache are an incredible people that I have researched and made videos on throughout the course of the year. This is a compilation of each of the nine videos I have published on this channel about them, their conflicts, and their culture.
I have incredible respect for them as a people and hope that my research and story telling has done them justice. I am well aware that my pronunciations have not... but I am working on it.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:04 Apache Terror- Apache v. Comanche
00:22:10 Apache Prisoner- The Kidnapping of Herman Lehmann
00:48:54 Apache Rage- The Murder of Mangas Coloradas
01:08:00 Apache Hate- Geronimo and Apache Wars with Mexico
01:25:02 Apache Man-Hunt- The incredible Apache ability to evade capture
01:41:53 Apache Outlaws- The Apache Kid and Massai
01:59:00 Kidnapped by Apache- The stories of Mickey Free and Charlie McComas
02:17:57 Apache Witchcraft- The use of "Power" and witches in Apache culture
02:36:31 Apache Extinction- The 1930s extermination of the Bronco Apache