Looking for the perfect apartment in London? Join me as I tour 6 incredible apartments ranging from £1,300 to £2,500, sharing insider tips for renters. Whether you're moving to London or just exploring your options, this guide has everything you need to know about pricing, amenities, and what to expect in the rental market. Don't forget to subscribe for more tips and lifestyle content of life in UK and Living in London.
You can also watch:
- Cost of living in UK . https://youtu.be/XsYTYSkCZYg
- 🇬🇧The cost of relocating to the UK| all costs including,
TB test, IHS, English proficiency etc.
- How I moved to London with tier 2 visa👩🎓
-🏦What to do right after arriving in the UK | Bank accounts, BRP Card
Accommodation, cost of buying cloths etc.
- 😱Cultural Shocks in the UK
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Apartment hunting in London
London rental market 2025
Renting tips London
London apartment prices
Moving to London tips
UK housing market
Budget apartments in London
Luxury apartments London
00:09:14 Intro
01:48:00 1st Apartment
02:12:00 2nd Apartment
04:14:00 3rd Apartment
06:14:07 4th Apartment
07:57:30 5th Apartment
10:38:06 6th Apartment
13:10:05 Outro
Music in video:
Music by Trophy Wife - Dreams Of An Alternate Self - https://thmatc.co/?l=C42EDB24
Music by Armin Horzyk - Step on it now - https://thmatc.co/?l=EFD2170B
Music by Adrian Earnshaw - Galactic Waterfall - https://thmatc.co/?l=9DF64E7C