Meghan is joined by Jonah Barnes of Ward Radio to discuss his new book "Key to the Keystone." Topics include:
- Joseph Smith's example of truth-finding
- Being tethered to the Book of Mormon
- Patterns of historical corruption by scribes
- The contents of the brass plates
- The wisdom of Eve
Jonah Barnes is a dad, and also a bicycle mechanic, a human jungle-gym, a boo-boo kisser, a diaper-changer (he prefers "diaper mechanic"), a children's book text-to-voice converter, a dog-walker, a chauffeur, a self-appointed assistant soccer coach, a volunteer cheerleader, a s'more-roasting consultant, a vacuum cleaner-cleaner and a scary-bug smasher.
Also he wrote this book, the Key to the Keystone: How Apocryphal Texts Unlock the Book of Mormon's Brass Plates.
"Consider Yourself As Eve: A Guide to Spiritual Development for Women (and the Men Who Love Them" will be available for pre-order in October 2024!
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