『APPLEBUM』が ストリートダンサーを招いて発信しているダンス動画シリーズ
"Underground Studio Move"。その集大成として今世界が最も注目する日本人 ストリートダンサー
「THE D SoraKi」、今なお世界を牽引し続ける HIPHOP ダンスの創始者「Buddha Stretch」、この両
The APPLEBUM dance video series inviting street dancers."Underground Studio Move".
As the culmination of this series, the world's most popular Japanese street dancer "The D SoraKi" and "Buddha Stretch", the founder of HIPHOP dance, who continues to lead the world today.
The video is a dialogue between the two, in which they talk about the present, the past and the future of street dance.
Produced by APPLEBUM
Creative Direction :中島賢二 Kenji Nakashima @kenji_brown
Camera :Yudai Abiru @wooody_cdts93
Director of Photograph :須藤コウタ KOTA SUDO
Sound Recordist :白澤光 HIKARU SHIRASAWA
Translation:Daichi Yamaguchi @shaberugobo
Special thanks KENTO @kentojapanese2