APRIL 23RD 2018 | Life Updates & Starting Another Swoon
It's been a while since we last caught up...
How ya been?
Links to stuff...
- My 2018 Sewing Goals Blog Post: https://wp.me/p1Y76q-Us
- Crown of Thorns Mini Quilt: https://youtu.be/o1R1atObuM8
- Music: 'Dream of A Day' from YouTube Audio Library
*Last minute edit: A new Royal Prince was born today! Welcome to the world Baby Cambridge no. 3! (Name unknown at time of upload!)*
Amanda Rolfe
PO Box 1179
St Marys NSW 1790
You can also find me here...
QUILTING BLOG | http://3and3quarters.net
FACEBOOK | https://www.facebook.com/3and3quarters/
TWITTER | https://twitter.com/3and3quarters
INSTAGRAM | http://instagram.com/3and3quarters
PINTEREST | http://www.pinterest.com/3and3quarters/boards/
TUMBLR | http://amandarolfe.tumblr.com
ETSY SHOP | https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/3and3quarters
EMAIL | 3and3quarters@gmail.com
Thanks for watching!! xx