Georgie Newbery, flower farmer, florist, author and teacher takes you on a tour of her spring flower farm showing you what’s growing and what she’s planning and having a little think about what you might consider if you are thinking about growing flowers for sale yourself.
There are masses of tulips, the acme Fabrizio Bocca leaky pipe watering system, humming trees of crab apple blossom, cowslips and fritillaries in the wildflower meadow with hundreds of orchids just beginning to emerge into the sward. Georgie's been planting out seedlings, taking dahlia cuttings, sowing more seeds, and she has still more to sow for her summer of flowers. See the cut flower patches as they begin to fatten up with this season's growth and join Georgie as she spots other wildflowers and tries to avoid filming the camera-shy Fabrizio as he follows her about on his mower.
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